Welcome to today a little about the other . Recently the first time I watched the movie " Desert Flower " . Why did he say? Very moved me the movie . How much people are like Waris Dirie Main heroine survived quite a lot but fate has rewarded her. Watching the movie I could not stop it tears . Especially when shown how male circumcision Aug. kids .. you thought you might in August this happen? Why expose yourself to such a small creature suffering what they are at fault ? Unfortunately, such a cruel world but sometimes fate will reward you suffering. Waris Dirie born in Somalia. How many children was circumcised at the age of three years . Very suffered almost dead.Sister and two cousins and died as a result of circumcision. Fled out of the house because it was ordered to marry old man.Leave to London where she worked as a cleaner . She could not speak English. Once at the bar where I worked saw the World photographer who immediately noticed the beauty of Waris Dirie . Changed her life for the better in August become a world model but if she so she thought ? I always had the memory of these moments as a little girl whose been circumcised alive .. so alive because it's as if a fawn skin with a knife cut out piece after piece of ... pain must have been unbearable psychic spoiled for life . I highly recommend the movie "Desert Flower " if someone has not looked back and is looking for something a wise and life .

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